Thursday 14 May 2015

May 14

Humanities 8

Today was my first day back.   We did a brief check -in and created a plan for continuing with the reading of our literature circle novels.

Students will now be asked to start class with silent reading and then respond in their journals when asked.  For example, today students wrote an assessment of their reading so far and discussed their likes and dislikes. In addition, they will be asked to create a novel project in their groups when they have finished their novels. A deadline is not decided upon yet, but a few students are behind their group members and will need to do some reading at home!!

Next we continued to work on the Middle Ages Booklet created by Mr.  Allen.  Specifically, students were directed to finish off their first study guide in the booklet and to work on the medieval weapon labelling.

First Nations 12

Today we started off the class with a story about forced sterilization that occurred in Alberta to some residential schools.  We also brainstormed some key points about residential schools and then we learned about the Sixties Scoop.  Here is the assignment with the web address for the video clip we watched.

   The Sixties Scoop
Learning Outcome(s):  Understand what the Sixties Scoop is, compare to the residential school situation and decide if this was an example of cultural genocide.
C4. Analyse post-Confederation government policies and jurisdictional arrangements that affected and continue to affect BC First Nations.
C5. Analyse the varied and evolving responses of First Nations peoples to contact and colonialism.
A1. Apply critical thinking including questioning, comparing, summarizing, drawing conclusions, hypothesizing and defending a position – to make reasoned judgments about a range of issues, situations and topics
Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of traditions, values, language, and other elements which make one group of people distinct from other groups.

1.      What was the Sixties scoop?

2.      Why was it implemented?

3.      When was it banned? 

4.      How was the situation similar to residential schools?

5.      What are some of the impacts of this policy?

6.      What changes have been made to Child Welfare policies since this in regards to aboriginal children?

7.      Do you think that this is an example of cultural genocide?  Why or why not?

English 10

Today we did a check in with regards to the novel projects that were due yesterday!!!  Students need to finish off these projects ASAP!

Next we discussed what poetry was and we looked at some quotes related to poetry.  Students were asked to rewrite their quote in the duotangs and write about why they picked it, what it meant and why it was important?

We also looked at the following poem and discussed the literal meaning as well as the deeper symbolic meaning.  

This is Just to Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

William Carlos Williams (1938)

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