Monday 1 June 2015

Monday, June 1st

Bl. A - English 10:  Students worked on their writing piece for V for Vendetta and handed it in by the end of class.  The choice was 1) Chart Evey's journey as a hero in this movie.  Use the Hero's journey cycle (Joseph Campbell) as a guide.  2) Take two quotes from Alan Moore's V for Vendetta page and elaborate on the meaning and context.  We will be back to reading tomorrow and will continue with poetry - metaphors. ("A Noiseless, Patient Spider" by Walt Whitman)

Bl. B - FN 12:  Students have filled out their Acts and court cases handout, and today we added a bit more information to them.  As well, we went over the terms that have been covered so far in the course, as a class Q&A.  The students that come on a regular basis are bringing up their marks nicely.

Bl. C - Humanities 8:  We finished Kingdom of Heaven today and students are handing in their focus sheets.  We will continue on the late medieval booklets Tues. and Wed. and will be starting the Renaissance Thursday.  We discussed doing this a student based inquiry project that will be taught to the rest of the class.  This will be done in groups (max. 3) and students have a wide variety of choices for presentation.  Each presentation should be at least 8-10 slides, and the groups will submit 3 good questions on their presentation, which I will coalate and give every student as a focus sheet (which will be marked as well) to be done while watching the presentations.  Students will be evaluated on both the quality of their presentation as well as how they present.  For example, body language, clarity of voice, pacing, and knowledge around their subject.  Should be fun!

**Block A and C students:  keep reading your novels, and be prepared to write the in-class paragraph on "setting" sometime this week.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Thursday, May 28th

Bl. C - Humanities 8:  We began Kingdom of Heaven.  Students have a focus sheet for this movie, and we are stopping frequently to discuss issues that come up, such as the code of chivalry and the medieval approach to religion - both Christianity and Islam. Students should be nearly finished their booklets, and they will be collected next week for evaluation. 

Bl. B - FN 12:  We did a chapter 6/7/8 review and students began researching the various landmark Acts and court cases that have affected First Nations people over the last 45 years (chapter 9).  The UBC site "Indigenous Foundations" is a great place to find a wealth of information on these events.  Students have a  handout to place the details of these cases

Bl. A - English 10:  We continued V for Vendetta after a discussion of the characters and how this movie fits strongly into the hero's journey pattern.  Begin thinking about how you will respond to this movie in your upcoming writing piece.

** All students should check their updated marks on a regular basis to find out what they may be missing.  Students should take ownership of their courses and monitor their progress regularly.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Wednesday, May 27th

Bl. B - FN 12:  Students have been getting a lot of work in, and are doing a chapter 6/7/8 quiz at present.  We will mark this as a class and then move on to Chapter 9  - Acts, Charters, Court cases, etc.  Attendance is somewhat improved, so let's keep that going.

Bl. A- English 10:  Students know that they will be writing a well developed paragraph on their novel, about the "setting", next week.  Today, we changed things up a bit, and students are going to use their hero's jouney template (from before with ATDPTI) to view V For Vendetta.  We will review what we saw today - the first 45 minutes - and discuss The call to adventure, refusal of the call, etc.  Because this is a complex film, much focus is needed.  Also, many great ideas are introduced which will be discussed further. For example, "Artists use lies to tell the truth" and "I've been wearing a mask so long, I have forgotten who I was beneath it".  There is a writing assignment for this on the board.  Be sure to copy it down or snap a pic.  We will return to our poetry after this.

Bl. C - Humanities 8:  After a nice reading period, students got to work on their booklets.  Clayton's mom brought in a medieval replica Broadsword and dagger.  Students got to hold them and feel the weight.  (all supervised of course  :) ) They were asked to imagine how strong and trained a Knight at Arms would have to be to wear 100 lbs of armour and wield a sword that weighed over two and a half kilograms. Thank you Mrs. Rogers.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Tuesday, May 26th

Bl C - Humanities 8:  After a good reading session, students finished their Black Death posters today.  We will be continuing with the high middle ages tomorrow, working through the booklet.

Bl. A - English 10:  After reading, we worked on two poems as a class - "Central Park Tourney" and "Constantly Risking Absurdity". These poems are based on similies.  Tomorrow we will work on metaphorical poems.  Be sure to hand in each poem as you finish it. Pick up the Setting handout. We will go over it tomorrow, and you will be writing an in class paragraph on the setting of your novel on Monday, May 1st.

Bl. B - FN 12:  Today, the students went over their marks printout and worked on all late material.  We will be continuing on to chapter nine tomorrow.  Remember, students must attend on a regular basis to be successful in this course.  Those who have not been can still make up ground, so come on down to 402!  :)

**All students - Check your term 4 marks on the wall.  All late work must be handed in as soon as possible.   

Monday 18 May 2015

May 15

Humanities 8

Today we started off with silent reading and then Mr. Freeman came in to talk to the class about behaviour.

Next we learned about the Bubonic plague using a powerpoint and coping some notes.  

English 10

Today we talked about the purposes of poetry and watched the Vanier video for Shane Koyczan's "Instructions for a Bad Day."  Next we looked at glossing a poem using "Sadie and Maude" as an example.  Students then glossed the poem "Hockey" and handed it in.  

First Nations 12

Today we talked about early forms of resistance by the First Nations people of BC.  We also completed some questions as a group.  

Early Resistance (p 95- 98)                                                                 Name: _______________________

  1. In general, how would you describe FN people’s resistance to the colonial powers?

  1. Describe how FN organized protests.

  1. How were missionaries involved in FN protests?

  1. What happened in 1874 in New Westminster?  Why did it happen?

  1. Why did the Federal government not act on what happened in quest 4?

  1. What 2 nations were the most active in trying to achieve title to land?

  1. How did they argue their point of views?  (What were their tactics, arguments etc.)

Treaty 8 ( p103 -105)
1.      What kind of things were happening in the Peace River region in the 1880s to 90s that caused unrest with FN people?

2.      What happened in May of 1898?

3.      Why did the government agree to a treaty in the Peace River region in 1899, when it refused to recognize aboriginal title to any land in BC?

1911 Victoria Conference ( p. 105-107)

  1. What was the goal of the Committee of Friends of the Indians?

  1. What was the intent of the Victoria Conference?

  1. Why was Peter Kelly an important figure at this conference?

  1. What was the outcome of the conference?’


  1. Why was the selling of reserve lands (Nass and Kitsilano)  in the early 1900s questionable?

Thursday 14 May 2015

May 14

Humanities 8

Today was my first day back.   We did a brief check -in and created a plan for continuing with the reading of our literature circle novels.

Students will now be asked to start class with silent reading and then respond in their journals when asked.  For example, today students wrote an assessment of their reading so far and discussed their likes and dislikes. In addition, they will be asked to create a novel project in their groups when they have finished their novels. A deadline is not decided upon yet, but a few students are behind their group members and will need to do some reading at home!!

Next we continued to work on the Middle Ages Booklet created by Mr.  Allen.  Specifically, students were directed to finish off their first study guide in the booklet and to work on the medieval weapon labelling.

First Nations 12

Today we started off the class with a story about forced sterilization that occurred in Alberta to some residential schools.  We also brainstormed some key points about residential schools and then we learned about the Sixties Scoop.  Here is the assignment with the web address for the video clip we watched.

   The Sixties Scoop
Learning Outcome(s):  Understand what the Sixties Scoop is, compare to the residential school situation and decide if this was an example of cultural genocide.
C4. Analyse post-Confederation government policies and jurisdictional arrangements that affected and continue to affect BC First Nations.
C5. Analyse the varied and evolving responses of First Nations peoples to contact and colonialism.
A1. Apply critical thinking including questioning, comparing, summarizing, drawing conclusions, hypothesizing and defending a position – to make reasoned judgments about a range of issues, situations and topics
Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of traditions, values, language, and other elements which make one group of people distinct from other groups.

1.      What was the Sixties scoop?

2.      Why was it implemented?

3.      When was it banned? 

4.      How was the situation similar to residential schools?

5.      What are some of the impacts of this policy?

6.      What changes have been made to Child Welfare policies since this in regards to aboriginal children?

7.      Do you think that this is an example of cultural genocide?  Why or why not?

English 10

Today we did a check in with regards to the novel projects that were due yesterday!!!  Students need to finish off these projects ASAP!

Next we discussed what poetry was and we looked at some quotes related to poetry.  Students were asked to rewrite their quote in the duotangs and write about why they picked it, what it meant and why it was important?

We also looked at the following poem and discussed the literal meaning as well as the deeper symbolic meaning.  

This is Just to Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

William Carlos Williams (1938)

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Tues. May 12th

Bl. C - Humanities:  Today, students read their novels and then began working on their feudalism/high middle ages booklet.  We discussed the Battle of Hastings and how feudalism was imported to /England.  We watched A young person's guide to the Battle of Hastings, and discussed the Bayeux Tapestry as a Norman account of that battle.  Students worked on some questions on the feudal contract.

Bl. A - English 10:  Continued working on the ATDPTI project. A couple are completed and many more are coming nicely.  Remember to hand in your journals with the responses to Smoke Signals, if you have not already.

Bl. B - FN 12:  We finished We Were Children and discussed it a bit. Some strong responses to this movie. Students are in the process of watching Angela White and her less dramatic but powerful discussion of the residential school system.  There are some focus questions to respond to tomorrow.

Monday 11 May 2015

Monday, May 11th

Bl. A - English 10:  Students are developing their projects for the novel ATDPTI.  Some very good work to date.  Students are expected to be done and handed in by the end of the day, Wednesday, May 13th.

Bl. B - First Nations 12:  We began our study of the Residential School System by viewing the first part of We Were Children.  This film is expertly done and hard hitting, while keeping true to history.  We will finish it tomorrow and have a class discussion about it.  We will follow this by listening to a three part presentation from Angela White, from the Reservation schools survivors society. This is powerful and informative.  Students will follow this and fill in a graphic organizer as well as write a summary of the majorlegislation related to residential Schools.

Bl C - Humanities 8:  Students read their novels and were graded on their focus.  Afterward, Students drew along with a you tube presenter on the basics of the feudal system under Charlemange, and answered some questions in their booklet using their textbooks.  We also read part of the general prologue to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, just to get a feel for what middle English actually sounds like.

Friday 8 May 2015

Friday, May 8th

Bl. A - English 10:  Students are working on the creative project for ATDPTI.  We have discussed several different options.  Some great ideas out there and some good brainstorming.  For those who are doing nothing - you know who you are - Wednesday, May 13th is the deadline.

Bl. B - FN 12:  We wrote the paper on The Indian Act of 1876 and its consequences.  Some of you have mailed it to Ms. McCall.  Others can be put on the desk.  Many students, through lack of proper attendance have not done or even heard of this assignment which we spent the week working on.  I have a poster on my wall by Nike that says: "You either ran today or you didn't"  The same goes for coming to class.  The consequence of not being here and not doing the work is.......!!

Bl. C - Humanities 8:  We are moving on to the High Middle Ages.  Students have picked up a package that we are working through.  Today, to set the context, we watched "Worst jobs in the world - Medieval"  So much for Knights in shining armour!  We'll begin discussing the Feudal System on Monday.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Thursday, May 7th and a fine day it is!!

Bl. C - Humanities:  We are writing the Early Middle Ages quiz today.  It is marked out of 48 with a two point bonus for marking as a class.  The  Early middle ages info sheet and the Mind Maps should be stapled together and handed in today - last day.  We are moving on to the High Middle Ages.  Students, please pick up the booklet. A very interesting part of history, so enjoy!!

Bl. B - FN 12:  We will be in the library writing off the essay on "The effect on native peoples over time of the "The Indian Act" of 1876.  We will move on to the residential school system and the "pushback" against Colonial power.

Bl A - English 10:  Today, we will finish listening to Sherman alexie reading his novel.  Students can plan out their project and sign up with the teacher, describing their choices for this project.  Journals can be brought up to date with questions on the white board to the left, and handed in for completion mark.    Remember, you have lots of options for your project.  Make sure you have the criteria sheet and begin your planning.  We have the library for the next three days. (Thurs/Fri/Mon)

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Wed. May 6th

Bl. B - FN 12:  In the library, preparing the outline for Thursday's in class (library - front) essay on The effects over time on first nations as a result of The Indian Act of 1876. Students will bring this outline with them tomorrow and produce a flowing essay based on ideas they have researched.

Bl A - English 10:  We read through into the last chapter of ATDPTI in class today.  We discussed a few ideas for the final project, and will continue that tomorrow.

Bl C - Humanities 8:  The class finished off the mind map and early middle ages fact sheet.  It is to be handed in tomorrow at the beginning of class.  Students know that they will be writing the Early Middle Ages quiz /50 , and if they put effort into the mind map and research, they should be well prepared.  :)

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Tuesday, May 5th

Bl C - Humanities 8:  We continuedbuilding the mind maps.  Students will have this finished tomorrow and use it and their early middle ages sheet to study for the upcoming quiz /50 on Thursday.

Bl. A - English 10:  Students did the questions and paragraph on Smoke Signals and comparing it with ATDPTI.  Students were given a handout on the five stages of grief and asked to use it to analyze "The Valentine Heart"  Students handed their green journals in for a quick check. Late hand-ins will receive a lesser mark for this. (unless the student was legitimately away).

Bl B - FN 12:  We worked in the library, and students began generatin an outline for a Thursday in class essay on the question "How did the Indian Act of 1876 change the lives of First Nations people over time. Although this is expository in nature, the student is asked to take a position from which to write.  To be continued tomorrow.

Monday 4 May 2015

Monday, May 4th

Bl A - English 10:  Today we finished of the movie Smoke signals and discussed in some depth.  Students have a list of questions to respond to:  We have a list in class - and are going to , in a well written paragraph, compare the movie (directed by Sherman alexie and based on his novel "The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven") and the novel ATDPTI.  Students will compare how the book and the movie deal with issues like poverty and problems on the "rez", conflict with both self and the outside world, and comparisons between Junior/Rowdy and Thomas/Victor.

Bl B - FN 12:  We watched a youtube clip called Nazis, Aparteid, and the Indian Act, to show some uncomfortably close comparisons.  The Students then took some detailed notes from a powerpoint of The Indian Act.  We will be developing an essay on this subject, and will be developing it in class tomorrow.

Bl C - Humanities 8:  After discussing our Lit circles as a class, the students continued to work on their Fact sheets on the early middle ages, and began to develop a detailed and artistic minp map.  This will serve as a good study guide for the upcoming test.

Saturday 2 May 2015

May 1

Today Mr. Pearson was in for me.

Humanities 8

Students started off silent reading and then completed the PMI chart on Charlemagne. Then students worked on completing their table on the People of the Middle Ages. 

First Nations 12

Today students watched the 8th Fire Video "Who's Land is it Anyway" and wrote a response on why land issues are so important to aboriginal people.  Mr.  Pearson also discussed and related domestic problems in the UK that are related to the situation here in Canada.   

April 30

Humanities 8

Today we started off with silent reading and discussing when our literature circle meeting would be.  The decision was for the meeting to be on Monday.  Students were reminded to check on where they were reading to and what role they were responsible for.  Next the mind-map assignment was introduced and students were shown an example.  Finally, we started reading about Charlemagne and we started a Plus Minus Interesting (PMI) chart on him.

First Nations 12

Today we worked on some definitions related to the Indian Act from a powerpoint.  Students were instructed to try and include these terms in their India Act essays.    We also had some discussion around how to deal with the inequities created by the Indian Act.  Is getting rid of status, reserves etc the answer?  We also started to watch a video on status and talked about some of the rules like the A list and how inter-marriage affects status.

English 10

Today we looked at a few examples of possible novel projects.  We also did a worksheet identifying literary devices in the quotes presented.  See below. We then reviewed yesterday's reading and then we read the chapter Wake. Ways of coping with grief and the character of Ted was discussed. The quote:"Oh God, he, was a collector.  Those guys made Indians feel lie insects pinned to a display board,"( p163) was also discussed.  We finished off the class by reading the chapter Valentine Heart

Literary Devices in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Identify what figure of speech the following are.  Explain what the purpose of the literary device is. 
1.       “And whenever I get lonely, I grow a big zit on the end of my nose.” P 83

2.       “Indian families stick together like Gorilla Glue, the strongest adhesive in the world.” P.89

3.       “I couldn’t ask Gordy because then he’d know I was an illiterate Indian idiot.” P. 92

4.       ARGGHHHHHHHSSSSSPPPPP……  It sounds like somebody vomiting. “ P.105

5.       “God, this kid was an eighty-year-old literature professor trapped in the body of a fifteen-year-old farm boy.” P. 93

6.       “If you’re good at it, and you love it, and it helps you navigate the river of the world, then it can’t be wrong.” P.95

7.       “If you are romantic, you might think it was destiny.  So destiny and me lean against the wall and wait.”P. 106

8.       “Yep, Earl was a real winner.” P. 110

9.       “I just wanted to watch the sweaty Penelope sweat her perfect sweat on that perfectly sweaty day.” P 115

10.   “Of course, you can’t lie forever. Lies have short shelf lives.  Lies go bad.  Lies rot and stink up the joint.” P119

Wednesday 29 April 2015

April 29

Today Mr Allen taught for me.

First Nations 12

Students watched the movie "Box of Treasures"  and answered some questions  They also discussed the differences between Oral and Written Histories as it pertains to the potlatch.  

English 10

Students discussed the concept of the hero's journey and its manifestation in literature and movies.  They then viewed a  prezi ( Jeffrey Vanderziel Copy of a copy) and the students filled in Arnold's own hero's journey, according to Joseph Campbell's steps of the Monomyth.  Sherman Alexie says he himself used this pattern in writing his novel.

Humanities 8

Students started with silent reading and then finished the video "The Dark Ages" and finished their worksheet.  

April 28

Humanities 8

Today the girls were at an empowerment rally, so we discussed the need for this, explored what empowerment wa and also watched a clip about how equality.  It was a great conversation!

English 10

Today I introduced the novel project assignment and students brainstormed themes they could explore.  See below.  Also students were asked to brainstorm all the people who support Arnold and describe how they support him.  This was recorded in their duo tangs.  Finally, we read And a Partridge in a a Pear Tree and Red Versus White. 

Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Task: Create a project that represents your reading of the novel.   Be sure to:
·         Use quotes from the novel with page numbers.
·         Explain what happens in the novel.
·         Demonstrate your analysis of the novel.
·         Apply the concepts we have discussed in class.
·         Identify literary devices.
Choose your format:  poster, powerpoint, performance, comic strip, etc

Not Meeting Expectations
Minimally Meeting Expectations
Fully Meeting Expectations
Exceeding Expectations
Quality of product
Little care shown to produce product.
Minimal care shown to produce product
Care has been shown to make a quality product.
Very professional looking product. 
Knowledge of novel
Not enough evidence of reading to meet expectations
A few details, examples, quotes and explanations used to show a minimal level of understanding/reading of the novel
Details, examples, quotes and explanations used to show a good level of understanding/reading of the novel
Details, examples, quotes and explanations demonstrate a high level of understanding/reading of the novel.
Very little creativity shown
A little bit of creativity shown
Moderate level of creativity evident
High level of creativity evident
Most information is hard to follow/understand.
Information is hard to read or understand. 
Communication of information is good.  A few spelling errors or grammatical errors which do not distract from meaning. 
Communication of information is excellent; Very few errors. 
No rough draft
Brainstorming – final
rough draft and final; listened to advice
Brainstorming, rough draft, final, sought out help/input from others on how to improve

First Nations 12

Today we worked on completing the back of the sheet started on Monday.  We completed the comparison table in preparation for writing an essay on the Indian Act. 

How did the Indian Act of 1876 change the way aboriginal people lived in Canada?

Aspect of Change
After the Indian Act




April 27

English 10

Today students were asked to answer the following questions in their duotangs about the Dance, Dance, Dance chapter.  

  1. Why is the novel called The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian?
  2. Look at the cartoons on p 120 &121.  Why do you think Alexie presents the info this way?
  3. How do Penelope and Roger react to Junior's admission that he is poor?
  4. What does Junior learn by the end of the chapter?
Then we read and discussed the following chapters:
Don't Trust Your Computer
My Sister Sends Me a Letter
Reindeer Games. 

First Nations 12

Today we watched a clip of Question Period in the House of Commons and discussed and answered the following:

Indian Act

What is the purpose of government?

What should governments do to serve the people?  Give examples of how government serve people.

Compare aboriginal style government with European style government. 

Humanities 8

Today students prepared for and met for the first time in their literature circle groups.  

April 24

Today Mr Allen was in for me.

First Nations 12

Students worked on Chapter 6 questions and handed them in. 

English 10

Students went to the library to work on a web quest on Sherman Alexie.  Here is the template.  

Webquest – Sherman Alexie                                      Name: ____________________________________
3 Things you learned about Sherman Alexie
How does this site help you understand ATDPI?
What comments, questions, connections do have from reviewing this site?

Sites for Webquest:

1.    “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie

Alexie’s essay “Superman and Me” talks about his life on the reservation and how he learned to read through comics. Students could tie this essay to the idea that Junior is a cartoonist, his emphasis on education as a way out, as well as his struggle with familial and tribal expectations.

2.    “I Hated Tonto (Still Do)” by Sherman Alexie

Alexie’s essay on how Native Americans are represented in film and how perpetuates stereotypes and racism. Alexie also demonstrates how such stereotypes can become internalized.
3.    Sherman Alexie’s Biography

By reading this short piece on Alexie’s life, students will quickly see the connections between the novel and his life.

4.    Excerpt from Alexie’s book, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven

5. Interview Transcript: Sherman Alexie: Up All Night

Humanities 8

Students watched the video called "The Dark Ages" and answered some questions.  

April 23

Humanities 8

Today students started off with silent reading and working on lit circles role.  Next we read about the Franks and worked on completing a fill in the blank worksheet on them.  See below.  We also started a comparison chart of all of the groups associated with the early Middle Ages. 

The Franks

1.  After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Franks conquered ___________, which is present day France.

2.  The Franks were farmers, but they also loved to make________.  The Frankish warriors used a special kind of throwing axe called a ___________.

3.  The word ‘Frank’ means _________ and the English word ___________ comes from this Frankish word.

4.  _________ founded the country of France and made Paris its capital.

5.  The ______________ were famous for their treachery and infighting.

6.  The Frankish laws were called the ________ code.  The Salic Code placed a _________ value to every person and piece of property.

7.  Wergild is a _________, which is levied when a person is injured/killed or when property is stolen. The wergild for a boy under 12 years old was ______ gold soldi.  The wergild for a girl under 12 years old was ______ gold soldi.

8.    The Franks had social classes, which means some people were very _______ and some people were very _______.  Sixty percent of the people were ________ or ___________.  Lords could ________ the crops of these people and merchants _________ from their misfortunes.

First Nations 12

Today students wrote their Chapter 4 & 5 test.  They were given Chapter 6 questions to work on when they were finished. 

English 10

Today students started off class with a review of what happened in the last chapter and discussed.  Next we read up to Dance, Dance, Dance. 

Wednesday 22 April 2015

April 22

First Nations 12

Test tomorrow.  If you do not attend tomorrow, you will get a different version of the test!!

Today we worked on our review assignment in preparation for the test.  See yesterday's post for the details.

English 10

Today we reviewed the events from yesterdays reading and we made predictions on what is going to happen next.  Then we read/listened to Slouching Towards Thanksgiving.  After that students were asked to 
  1. pick a passage from the reading that stood out to them for some reason.  Examples:  you could make a connection, it was humerous, unusual, used a literary device etc
  2. Write it out in their journal including pg #
  3. Draw or write a response. 
    • explain the context
    • explain why you picked it

Humanities 8

Today we read our new novels for 30 minutes.  After that, students will be asked to work on their role for Friday.  Finishing off last minute assignments are other things students will be working on as Friday is the last day of term 3.  Some of these assignments are: Shields, maps, study guides and graphs

Tuesday 21 April 2015

April 21

Humanities 8

Today the Literature Circle Unit was introduced. We read the first couple of pages of the "Puppeteer's Apprentice" and I modeled the roles for students.  Next students signed out their novels and they had a group meeting to figure out how many pages to read per week and the roles for this Friday.

English 10

Students were asked to record the answers to the following questions:

Who do you respect?

How do people earn respect?

Next we read the chapters:   Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice, Tears of a Clown and Halloween.

After reading those chapter, students were asked to respond to the following question:

Who does Arnold respect the most right now?  Why?

First Nations 12

Students were given a handout about the goals of colonization and a list of terms to know for the exam.  The terms will be collected for marks and can be handed in as flashcards or recorded on a sheet.

Flashcard Creation Review Assignment
Chapter 4 & 5
Task:  Create flashcards or a review sheet with the following information in preparation for your test.

1.       Maritime Fur Trade – items of trade, how it was conducted
2.       Land- based Fur Trade –items of trade, how it was conducted, HBC, NWC
3.       HBC blankets
4.       Smallpox
5.       Intermediaries
6.       Medium of exchange
7.       Christopher Columbus
8.       Juan Perez
9.       James Cook
10.   Chief Maquinna
11.   Colony
12.   Colonialism – main goals
13.   paternalism
14.   Epidemics
15.   Gunboat Justice
16.   Precedent
17.   Pre-emption
18.   Aboriginal title
19.   Sovereignty
20.   Terra nullius
21.   James Douglas
22.   Joseph Trutch
23.   Lhatsas?in
24.   Fraser Canyon War
25.   Tsilhqot’in (Chilcotin) War
226.   Douglas Treaties
27   Country Wife
28.   Impact of the Fur Trade
29.   Royal Proclamation 1763

Suggestions:  Read the chapters for a full understanding.  Re-read the notes.  Revisit notes

Reminder:  Test Thursday!!!